Olive oil soap encased in felted wool - by Ma'an Lil-Hayat معا للحياة - Made in Palestine


Olive oil soap encased in felted wool - by Ma'an Lil-Hayat معا للحياة - Made in Palestine

| 4 cm, 6 cm, 8 cm | wool and olive oil soap | Off white/green/black
A large olive oil soap bar, made in Nablus. Encased beautifully in felted wool at Ma'an Lil-Hayat centre in Bethlehem. The wool is sourced from local shepherds.

The felted wrapping makes a very gentle exfoliating loofah. The wool wrapping not only makes the soap last longer but also makes it less messy.

Ma'an Lil-Hayat (which means 'together for life' in Arabic), is a project based in Bethlehem founded by the International Federation of L'Arche Communities in 2009. This project involves people with and without intellectual disabilities. Ma'an Lil-Hayat brings together about 40 people with intellectual disabilities from Bethlehem, refugee camps and villages from the surrounding areas, providing them with daily activities and work, giving them the chance to develop their self-esteem, creativity and skills, and sense of community.

The Ma’an lil-Hayat Centre produces felt goods, handcrafted by community members. Wool is collected from local shepherds and together the community prepares and treats it, creating, finishing and packaging a range of beautiful felt goods.

It is truly an inspirational project.

Sizes and weights vary:
6-7 x 6-7 x 4-5 cm
145-175 grams
Olive oil soap encased in felted wool - by Ma'an Lil-Hayat معا للحياة - Made in Palestine listed in: